Health Care/Anti-Obesity Campaign

Reader comment on: Michelle Obama's Anti-Obesity Campaign

Submitted by Donna Jenkins (United States), Feb 23, 2010 17:20

I am morbidly obese. When I was a child we ate good food. We did not have candy or sweets or go to McDonalds, Burger King, or Wendy's every day. We had good healthy cooked at home meals not something out of the freezer or sealed in some package. I have had a problem with my weight over the years not because I do nothing but sit around and eat all day. I inherited my large size from my grandmother along with her bad heart,diabetes and arthritis. I agree that the way society is and parents not being at home contributes to obesity of children today. It is easier and more convenient to grab something from McDonalds and keep on running. It is the parents choice as to what they give or allow there child to eat, but there are other factors also. Health Care is a whole other issue. Why would an insurance company not allow or elect to have gastric bypass surgery for people in my condition? I live in North Carolina and recently my cardialigist referred me to Duke's Metabolic and Weight loss Center. I went through diabetic classes,six months of monitoring my weight and exercise by my primary care physician. I was ten days till my surgery and had just finished my pre-op when I received a call from Cigna. They denied my surgery. It wasn't because it wasn't a medical necessity, but because my company just did not opt to cover this. Tell me what is the logic in this company paying for all of my doctors, all my medications,lab test,blood work and all the other things,meters,test strips,blah,blah,blah!?. When I could just have this surgery done and everything practically would disappear. My Type II diabetes would go away in most cases the next day. I am a single, working woman, my children are all grown and I don't have any other option to have this surgery done. You can not make people not eat these foods it's their right to eat what they please, but they are harming themselves when they do so. So what direction would you go in? It's their right or they're harming themselves, because you can eat good food and still be obese.

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