What your turn like everyon else did.

Reader comment on: The Case Against Age Discrimination Laws

Submitted by Patricia Teel (United States), Mar 23, 2012 22:46

Is the aging person doing his job as required ? Is he happy working ? Then why should he give up his job to someone younger ? How do you know what his finances are ? He may have a spouse or an uninsured daughter that has Cancer and he is paying her bills. This did happen to us by the way. We were 54 years old when our daughter who had been let go due to down sizing and could not afford the cobra on her insurance found out she had Melanoma so we spent our life savings on her care but lost her after 7 years. Now we are slowing rebuilding our personnal retirement funds. And we now have a teenager that we will have to help through college. Do you suggest booting him out for no other reson than his age ? Next you be saying they are old just let them die. They are taking up space and eating food and using up resourses. Have you seen the movies Soylent Green and 14 or fight ? You sound like a Me Me Me person. Did your Mommy teach you that you were special ? Trust me you are no more and no less special that any other person, young or old.

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