what did you think it would be like?????

Reader comment on: Martin Peretz on Obama and Israel

Submitted by jerry creek (United States), Mar 19, 2010 18:58

I am amazed everyday that the people find it hard to believe that Obama is anti Israel and so obviously bigoted towards the Jewish people. After all, his friend and minister for 20 years has made one statement after another that have been very bigoted and biased against Jews and Irael. Obamas so called "church" set aside a special time to honor the anti semite hate monger Louis Farrakahn. Not only that, the church openly printed and distributed literature about the muslim terrorist ogranization, hamas. My point is this....there is absolutely no proof in existance anywhere that Barak Hussein Obama ever complained or objected one time! NOT ONCE! BARAK OBAMA DID NOT COMPLAIN ONE TIME IN 20 YEARS ABOUT THIS SICKENING ACTIVITY IN HIS CHURCH. As a state senator he openly employeed several people in his office from Farrakahns Nation of Islam. A disgusting anti Jewish hate mongering organization. A complete idiot would jump right up out of a chair and laugh in your face if you asked him what this was an indicator of. Barak Obama is anti Israel and he is anti Jewish. He is also very pro muslim, and pro Palestinian.

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⇒ what did you think it would be like????? [194 words]jerry creekMar 19, 2010 18:58
American or Israeli interests? Are they the same? [193 words]jerryMar 19, 2010 18:41

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