Is the Collegiate board teaching a civics lesson to its students?

Reader comment on: De Blasio Shakes Down Collegiate

Submitted by Ron Liebis (United States), Mar 16, 2015 20:35

Is the Board of Collegiate attempting to teach the students a lesson in civics?

If so the lesson appears to be "capitulate to a financial shakedown". I won't even comment upon the absurdity of $50,000,000 for 50 or 55 units of "affordable housing". (What politically connected person is going to get "a piece of the action")

The School Board might consider the following options:

1- Moving the school to hopefully temporary quarters in NJ , Westchester or another borough and providing transportation to the student body. (as the parents and students of Collegiate did during the Revolutionary War)

2- Move into temporary and uncomfortable but expensive quarters in Manhattan and wait out the Deblasio administration. No one whose son(s) attended collegiate sent him or them there because of the physical facilities. It was and is the caliber of the education and the quality and character of the faculty and the students that draws applicants to Collegiate. (I know this from personal experience)

3- While doing option 1 or 2 publicize via the public and social media what the Deblasio administration is attempting and at the same time institute legal action against the city and the members of the planning board. I doubt if members of the planning board would appreciate having their personal and financial lives being scrutinized under a forensic microscope.

4- Collegiate had not survived over 350 years by not having a moral backbone.

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