Ecuador is nationalizing its oil industry today. A Dow Jones article describes the developments as "reforms" but notes President Rafael Correa "said that oil companies that don't abide by the state's policies will have their fields nationalized and will be forced from the country."
Context: "QUITO, ECUADOR -- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton reached out Tuesday to one of the left-leaning populist leaders of South America, attempting to edge Ecuador's President Rafael Correa out of the orbit of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. By all appearances, the charm offensive had an impact. A beaming Correa professed admiration and respect for 'dearest Hillary' and for President Obama." -- Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post, June 9, 2010, "Hillary Clinton Tries to Fix Relationship With Ecuador President Rafael Corrrea."
Context: Secretary Clinton's remarks with President Correa on June 8: "I think the goals that Ecuador and its government have set are goals that the United States agrees with."
Context: Secretary Clinton's remarks in Quito: "in many places, including often in my own country, the simple fact is that the wealthy do not pay their fair share...Acknowledging this is not class warfare. It is not even us-versus-them rhetoric. It is a matter of recognizing that this cannot be a zero-sum-game. We cannot have a winner-takes-all approach to our economic future that is shortsighted and obsolete."