"The Muppets," the new movie from Disney about those lovable characters such as Kermit The Frog and Miss Piggy, turns out, alas, to have a somewhat heavy-handed anti-oil industry, anti-rich-person agenda. From the plot summary at the official movie Web site: "On vacation in Los Angeles, Walter, the world's biggest Muppet fan; his brother Gary, and Gary's girlfriend Amy from Smalltown, USA discover the nefarious plan of oilman Tex Richman to raze the Muppet Theater and drill for the oil recently discovered beneath."
Maybe I am taking this more seriously than I should, but really, why do these movies never seem to be about nefarious plans by evil environmentalists to turn the Muppet Theater into a wildlife refuge or windfarm, or nefarious plans by evil anti-poverty advocates to turn the Muppet Theater into "affordable" housing?
Tex Richman? Not exactly subtle. The Muppet folks could have had the Muppet Theater seized by the local government by eminent domain for the purpose of turning it over to a private developer, and have the Muppets, assisted by libertarian public interest lawyers, fight it all the way to the Supreme Court. But Brooke Shields is already making that movie.