Debate? There is no longer a debate!

Reader comment on: Speaking of Global Warming

Submitted by ben (United States), Aug 25, 2010 22:21

Climate change is happening. At some point we can cease to call something a debate when one "side" has irrefutably been proven wrong. We can debate whether or not to do something about it, what it would cost, how quickly the earth will warm etc. But there is no longer any way for a reasonably informed person to doubt climate change itself. Perhaps this is what the Bloomberg person was saying. At some point, the he-said she-said back and forth that many reporters take is rendered useless when one side has no leg to stand on.

Is there still a debate on evolution? Many people disagree, but it is hard to find a handful of scientists who study these things that doubt evolution. Is there a debate about who was responsibly for the 9/11 attacks? You can find a handful of crazy people on the left who think Cheney pulled it off, but that doesn't make it a debate. The Truthers, creationists and climate change deniers are all in denial. Their ideology has made their reasoning abilities disappear.

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

I think the main debates, as you suggest, are over whether and how much manmade activity has a role versus other causes, how serious the problem is, and what to do about it.

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⇒ Debate? There is no longer a debate!
[w/response] [178 words]
benAug 25, 2010 22:21
Quit dodging the debates, you scoundrel! [156 words]MarkAug 26, 2010 17:23

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