Wall St. Journal

Reader comment on: Malkiel on China

Submitted by J.Johnson (United States), Dec 14, 2010 17:04

As I recall, Future of Capitalism heaped effusive praise on Paul Gigot a few months ago, he being the same Paul Gigot who publishes authors like Mr. Malkiel without alerting us to his potential conflict of interest, and the same Paul Gigot who, unlike the editors at the Washington Post and the NY Times, among others, has never shown sufficient intestinal fortitude to establish an Ombudsman on the editorial page who might just put a damper on some of the more outrageous Gigot-authorized errors and omissions. This might not be such an issue if Gigot published corrections when they are made known to him and are based on incontrovertable information. Unfortunately, based on multiple personal experiences, he does not.

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