This post is an example of great logical thinking

Reader comment on: Jobs and the Weather

Submitted by Belladonna Rogers (United States), Feb 4, 2011 18:31

Why is it that only Ira Stoll points out the ludicrous idiocy of the "bad weather" defense? Once he skewers this non-logic, one wonders how any public official could make this risible connection between failure to "create jobs" and the weather again. It was our former President, Bill Clinton, who first polluted American English with what had hitherto been a local Southern chalk-on-the-blackboard-annoying phrase of "growing" the economy, as if the economy were a crop or a tree. It is neither. One way the federal government can "create" jobs is by having a Public Works Administration that hires people who had been unemployed. The only other way is to pursue policies that are business-friendly and will enable companies, both large and small, to flourish to the extent that they will need to increase the number of their employees to satisfy the increased need for the product or service manufactured or provided by the company.

By creating government disincentives to business, the federal government is, not surprisingly, reaping what it has sown. And then the government officials announcing the woeful employment figures turn to Mother Nature to blame her for their unhelpful interventions in the economy. Now that's what I call behaving like a grown-up.

The federal government's all too visible hand is producing the opposite of the results all Americans desire.

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Title By Date
⇒ This post is an example of great logical thinking [221 words]Belladonna RogersFeb 4, 2011 18:31
Actually, it is increasingly their fault [36 words]benFeb 4, 2011 15:04

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