Grants & Education

Reader comment on: David Brooks on Seniors and College

Submitted by John Devaney (United States), Mar 1, 2011 16:00

The 80/20 rule seems to spell out that 80% of the problem is with 20% of the students. Do we need to concentrate on these "special" 20% while the others are striving to obtain an education and learning, not "just to get a diploma"? Why can private schools "do it better at less cost"? Because they have discipline and have the forethought to see that if the 20% disrupting their classes can be "eliminated" they can educate, and they eliminate them. Change the laws!

When you have 2nd and 3rd generation mom's who are "uneducated" and on "the dole", kids see no reason in some cases to "raise the bar in their family" by striving for an education. Why... mom receives money and does nothing to contribute to society. Many uneducated mothers see the light and know education is a "key" to success and also many contributing fathers also see this light.

Don't cut grants to those children looking for an opportunity they would never have otherwise because of their color, their parents lack of education and the history in their family! Why is school so expensive? Administration and Retirements. That's where we need to focus our attention whether union or not! Not the classrooms and the teachers in the school-rooms but on the parents and mentors, and do nothing counselors and adminstrators!

English as a second language ......NO......English as a FIRST AND ONLY LANGUAGE spoken in our schools. If you want a foreign language take one but teach in English in our Schools' in our Country!

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If you oppose incentives for graduation
[w/response] [35 words]
Jerry SkurnikMar 1, 2011 17:19
⇒ Grants & Education [257 words]John DevaneyMar 1, 2011 16:00

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