Slacker Life

Reader comment on: Alternative Measures of Poverty

Submitted by Average Joe (United States), Mar 21, 2010 10:11

I'm not a studied man of statics, economics, history, law, etc, etc. I am however, a 55 year old observer of our country and the world. One man's view. I hear, "why is there so much poverty in America"? Quite frankly I don't see much of it in my little town. (110,000) Sure I can make a determined effort and go find some. I see very few homeless people here. Our unemployment is around 6% I think. The thing is, when I think of true poverty I think Africia, Mexico, etc. So called "poor" in American would be a dream for people in many other countries. Sure, many people in America need some help. And American does that. And much more. Too much some say. Including me. As the above article mentioned and I see for myself. I see many people that I would think are poor or just getting by pay check to pay check. But, they drive a car that I can't (or choose not to) afford. I witness people that appear to be low income buying big screen TV's. I'd be willing to bet some of those people are getting some sort of gov. assistance. I doubt they own a home or save and invest for the future.

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