What Would You Do?

Reader comment on: The Annotated State of the Union

Submitted by Thomas Brieger (United States), Jan 22, 2015 08:11

1. What do you mean about the dichotomy between the family and the nation-state? Republicans often recommend that the government avoid deficits similar to a family.

2. As you say the child care credit doesn't cover infertile couples. A society needs young people. If parents are made to bear the entire costs of child-raising, it may result in insufficient young people for societal needs.

3. You are correct that sick leave is abused by some. You don't say what if anything should be done about sick people who can not afford the cost of treatment or living costs while they are out of work.

4. You are right that many minimum wage workers are not supporting a family. You don't state how those that are supporting a family should survive.

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