National Public Radio aired a story Friday about a Twitter contest to reduce health care policy to three words. It gave some examples, such as "Stop Eating McDonald's" and "Quality Affordable Coverage." Then NPR's Robert Siegel said, "Our staff made up some three-word policy proclamations: Doctors Make Less and Cuban Health Care."
Well, it's nice to know where the NPR news staff is coming from on the issue. The "Doctors Make Less" slogan is particularly ironic because Mr. Siegel's salary for the year ended September 30, 2007 was reportedly $350,288, which is more than a lot of doctors make, according to this survey of physicians's salaries. One wonders how he'd feel reductions in the salaries of on-air personalities would affect the quality of public radio, and if he feels that physician salaries could be reduced without any impact on the quality of health care. And one wonders if the NPR staff would like to treat itself based solely on drugs developed by the Cuban pharmaceutical industry.
Thanks to reader J.G. for passing along the tip after hearing the NPR story.