FutureOfCapitalism.com, September 9, 2009, 6:27 a.m.
The idea that the Democrats lost control of Congress as a kind of punishment for failing to pass health care is a strange one. If voters were angry that health care failed, why would they put in Republicans, who were the ones who blocked it, rather than the Democrats, who at least tried to pass it? A more common explanation is that in 1994 the voters were punishing Democrats for attempting an overly ambitious and secretive goverment takeover of the health care system. By that explanation, it wasn't the failure to pass health care that voters were punishing in 1994, but the effort to pass it. That explanation is one that comes with different lessons for today's Democrats.
Karl Rove, The Wall Street Journal, September 10, 2009:
The White House is arguing that ramming through a controversial bill is safer for Democrats than not passing anything. This is based on the false premise that the death of HillaryCare is what doomed Democrats in 1994. ... Actually, attempting to pass HillaryCare is what brought down the party. Voters rejected a massively complicated, hugely expensive government takeover of health care and the Democrats who pushed it.
Not that FutureOfCapitalism.com always agrees with Mr. Rove. For criticism, see here and here.