The Far Eastern Economic Review has a piece on the persecution of China's human rights lawyers that The Browser aptly describes as "corrective to received notions of China as modernising, liberalising society." If the American left gave these accounts even half the attention they devote to accounts of waterboarding of actual terrorists at Guantanamo, it would be something. Here is how one human rights lawyer in China was treated: "His tormentors, some of whom he recognized, put burning cigarettes to his eyes until they were 'smoked.' They used electric rods on his genitals. They pierced his genitals with pins, and they smeared him with excrement." It's great that the Far Eastern Economic Review, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., is willing to publish this sort of thing; sad that the article appears in the final issue of the Far Eastern Economic Review, which News Corp. announced in September that it would close.
China's Human Rights Lawyers
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