Readers who consume primarily via the daily email may miss out on some of the fun of the comments area of the site. One recent example was the response to the query from a reader from abroad who wanted a suggestion of "a single, simple book explaining why capitalism is better than socialism." Seven readers have replied so far with a total of nine book suggestions: Friedrich Hayek's Road to Serfdom, Hernando de Soto's The Mystery of Capital, Ayn Rand's Capitalism, An Unknown Ideal, Andrew Bernstein's Capitalism Unbound; Hans-Hermann Hoppe's A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism; The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism by Robert Murphy; Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics; Naked Economics by Charles Wheelan; and The Armchair Economist, by Steven Landsburg.
Another example of how comments work on the site was commenter Benjamin's question "is there anything the government should regulate? Is there anything the government should do other than guard our borders and pave the roads?" That drew a response from me.
All of which is just a way of encouraging readers to speak up in the comments area of the site, and of thanking those who are enlivening the site already with their contributions.