Back on January 29 we flagged a New York Post article reporting, "A $750,000 payment from Mayor Bloomberg's campaign was delivered to a mysterious Albany company that wasn't even created until one month after the November elections, The Post has learned. In an unusual transaction, Bloomberg's campaign last month sent a $1.2 million check to the state Independence Party -- and the party in turn transferred $750,000 to a previously unknown firm called Special Election Operations. The Independence Party appears to have kept the remaining $450,000. Special Election Operations has no Web site, isn't found in any Internet or database searches, and was incorporated with the state on Dec. 3, about a month after Bloomberg won re-election as an independent." Now the New York Times says the office of the District Attorney for New York County is looking into the matter.
The feud between Mr. Bloomberg and Robert Morgenthau simmers on, even after Mr. Morgenthau has stepped down as district attorney. Mr. Morgenthau has plenty of loyalists still on Hogan Place, which is something Mr. Bloomberg might have considered before getting into a big public fight with him.