On February 2 we wrote here about Toyota's supposed sudden acceleration problems: "With Uncle Sam owning 60% of General Motors and also having loaned billions of dollars more to Tesla, Nissan, Ford and Fisker — all to compete with Toyota and its industry-leading hybrid motors — is the transportation secretary advancing a consumer safety interest or a government financial outcome interest? How can anyone know with any confidence? It's certainly a murky area." Now at least two other outlets are picking up this theme. Canada's National Post, February 3: "The attack on Toyota, at this time of U.S. economic weakness and populist excess, is fast turning into a great American nationalist assault on a foreign corporation, an economic war... The owners of union-dominated Government Motors can spot a strategic economic opportunity without waiting for the memo from head office." And the Washington Examiner, in a February 4 editorial headlined "Gangster Government Targets Toyota," writes, "Given the Obama administration's catering to one of its favorite special interest groups, the United Auto Workers union, during the government's bailouts of General Motors and Chrysler last year, it is difficult to avoid wondering whether Toyota has become a victim of the Chicago Way of dealing with competitors."
The War on Toyota
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