The chief executive of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Donohue, gives an interview to the Wall Street Journal warning that, as the Journal puts it, "American companies are becoming more comfortable with the U.S. Congress taking a role in trying to level the playing field for businesses in China."
A FutureOfCapitalism reader-participant-co-creator-community member-watchdog ("reader" alone is too passive and outdated and doesn't do justice to the role played by people other than the editor in creating the content on this site; if you can come up with a better term let us know using the comments function) writes: "This is another example of what is wrong with American business and how they empower government and therefore become beholden to government. Just like GM was able to persuade politicans and the media in the past to demonize Japan, so too are many businesses seeking to demonize China. Of course, it is seemingly to their immediate advantage to do so, rather than figuring out how to compete better or to allow American consumers to benefit from lower prices and more competition."
China is different from Japan in that it has more state-owned companies and lacks political freedom, but the parallels with American behavior are certainly there.