A non-profit Catholic group is fund-raising for what it says is a $10 million voter mobilization plan for the 2010 congressional elections with a direct mail piece that accuses President Obama of waging "war on Christianity," "war on unborn children," and "war on Christian broadcasters."
The direct mail package, from Fidelis, includes a survey in which recipients are asked "What do you think is President Obama's true political ideology?" Choices include "Socialist," "Fascist," "Far Left," and "Communist."
Another survey question asks, "How much danger do you think liberty is in right now as a result of President Obama's policies, actions, and agenda for America's future?" Choices include "More serious than the threats we faced in World War II from Nazi Germany and the Japanese because the attack on liberty today is from our own government," "More serious than the threat we faced from the Soviet Union during the Cold War," "More serious than the threats posed by terrorists," and "All of the above."
Thanks to reader-participant-watchdog-community member-content co-creator A. for sharing the direct mail piece.