David Keyes, writing in the Daily Beast: "From 2005 to 2008, Saudi Arabia bought $11.2 billion in weapons from the U.S., more than any other country in the world." And, "In the next two months, Congress will be asked to give formal approval to a staggering new arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Valued at $30 billion, the deal includes selling the Saudis state-of-the-art missile technology, jets, ships, and helicopters." President Obama's ambassador to Saudi Arabia? James B. Smith, whose official bio on the Riyadh embassy Web site states, "Prior to his appointment, Ambassador Smith had served in a variety of executive positions with Raytheon Company involving corporate strategic planning, aircraft manufacturing, and international business development."
Well, at least President Obama is doing what he can to stimulate the American defense industry, though you've got to figure that's not much consolation to whomever the Saudis are aiming these arms at.
And they say the Obama administration lacks private sector experience!