After the whole Shirley Sherrod fiasco I am somewhat hesitant to pass along videos from Andrew Breitbart's site (A FutureOfCapitalism reader-participant-community member-content co-creator writes to call me on lapsing into establishment thinking, since I often link to New York Times or Wall Street Journal items even though those papers screw plenty of things up, too. I plead guilty.), but this one of Rep. Pete Stark, a California Democrat, defending the constitutionality of ObamaCare, is too good to pass up: "The federal government, yes, can do most anything in this country."
The woman questioning him has the theory that ObamaCare is a violation of the 13th Amendment ban on slavery, which is a new one on me.
Thanks to the FutureOfCapitalism reader-participant-community member-content co-creator who sent the link.