Peter Beinart, the $143,235 a year one-day-a-week associate professor at the City University of New York who on Friday will do his second Martha's Vineyard speaking appearance of the summer, has a new post up at the Daily Beast proclaiming that "Indifference to the rights and dignity of Palestinians is a cancer eating away at the moral pretensions of the American Jewish establishment" and asserting, "now the chickens are coming back home to America to roost."
This chickens/America/roost formulation is a strange one for Mr. Beinart to select for use in attacking the American Jewish establishment, given its use by Malcolm X to greet the assassination of John F. Kennedy and by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright to describe the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Maybe Professor Beinart can get Rev. Wright to help write his next book.
Thanks to reader-participant-watchdog-community member-content co-creator J. for sending the link to the Daily Beast article and for recognizing the echoes of Rev. Wright.