The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an eminent-domain-related appeal from Nick Sprayregen, the West Harlem property owner who stood in the way of an expansion by Columbia University.
A federal judge in Richmond, Virginia, Henry Hudson, ruled ObamaCare's individual mandate and associated penalty for not buying health insurance to be unconstitutional.
Opposition to the tax deal is building on the right. Rush Limbaugh is against it. Powerline's John Hinderaker is skeptical. is against it. Hugh Hewitt is against it.
Finally, I'd been meaning to get something in on this earlier, but, so long as we're on the topic of Hayek, the Manhattan Institute had its Hayek Lecture the other night, bestowing a $50,000 prize on Benn Steil and Maneul Hinds for their book Money, Markets, and Sovereignty.