The latest move by the coalition of labor unions, politicians, and competing retailers trying to keep Walmart out of New York City is a campaign against a real estate company, Related, that wants to rent space to the chain. Related is led by Stephen Ross. Reports Crain's New York:
Plans are in the works to bring a group of former Walmart workers to Mr. Ross to talk about their experiences with the retailer. Other actions against Related are also being planned, including demonstrations outside board members' homes and the firm's Columbus Circle headquarters.
Demonstrations "outside board members' homes"? Now there's a pleasant tactic. Sound familiar?
The Crain's article also says:
Robert Knakal, chairman of Massey Knakal Realty Services, says he has several as-of-right sites that he's trying to market to Walmart. "It gets very dangerous when politicians start saying who you can rent space to and who you can't," he said.