The New York Times, astonishingly, today publishes a 2115-word adulatory profile of Stanford professor Francis Fukuyama — "Few people have yet read the book, but it has created a considerable stir in universities where he has talked about it...Unlike some scholars who flame out after a single brilliant book, Dr. Fukuyama has produced a steady and wide-ranging body of work" — without a single mention of Professor Fukuyama's consulting to Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy. It's not as if it is a secret: The Boston Globe wrote about it, and Carl Gershman mentioned it in his presentation of the Democracy Service Medal to Professor Fukuyama: "It's not every time that you have a Board Member who is invited to engage in a one-on-one consultation with the likes of Moammar Kadafi."
NYT on Francis Fukuyama
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