As a general proposition I think America needs more legal immigrants, not fewer, and that the laws should be changed so that it's easier for people who want to come here and work and become Americans to do that. But as a legal approach, the idea reportedly championed by New York State senators Bill Perkins and Daniel Squadron — New York legislation providing illegal immigrants "work opportunities with the State of New York" — seems the wrong way to start, especially at a time when New York is facing both a higher-than-usual unemployment rate and a worse-than-usual state budget gap. I suppose this marks a kind of evolutionary progress for the Democratic Party — instead of wanting unlimited welfare for illegal immigrants, it now wants to make the illegal immigrants state government employees. Presumably, they will then be able to join government employee unions, which will then participate in politics in favor of the Democrats.
State Jobs for Illegals
by Ira Stoll | Related Topics: Immigration, New York receive the latest by email: subscribe to the free mailing list