John Hinderaker of Powerline has a post with some of the Powerline site's best criticism of Paul Krugman over the years.
The reason Professor Krugman is attacking Mr. Hinderaker at the moment is that David and Charles Koch apparently wanted to get Mr. Hinderaker on the board of the Cato Institute, along with Washington lawyer Ted Olson.
I haven't really taken sides in the fight between the Cato Institute's staff and the Koch brothers for control of the Cato Institute, but I will venture to say that any non-profit organization lucky enough to get either Mr. Olson or Mr. Hinderaker to serve on their board would be wise to embrace the opportunity rather than resist it, because they are top-notch. The Powerline post is framed in part as a criticism of Professor Krugman for taking a Hinderaker quote about George W. Bush out of context, but the criticism applies equally to Cato's Jerry Taylor, who uses the same Hinderaker quote in the same way here. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Professor Krugman got that Hinderaker quote from Mr. Taylor, whose missive was quoted in the Brad DeLong post to which Professor Krugman linked.