"Abe Invokes Thatcherism as Reform Push Raises Disparity Risk" is the headline over an alarmist Bloomberg News article that is a classic of the genre. It speaks of "the danger that Abenomics will impose social strains on an economy where the income gap between the richest 10 percent and the poorest is a less than a third that in the U.S."
The article goes on, "Deepening disparities would mar a society that's prided itself on homogeneity."
The writer of this article, Keiko Ujikane, and the editor who moved it, Paul Panckhurst, sound like Bill de Blasio. They should both be assigned to read the defense of inequality in New York that was issued the other day by Mayor Bloomberg's press secretary, Mark LaVorgna.
I don't know where Bloomberg and New York Times journalists contract this anxiety about income inequality, but at a certain point it starts to get in the way of straightforward journalism.