Cato Institute's Walter Olson has an article in the Washington Examiner jumping off from recent Republican wins in the Massachusetts and Maryland governor's races and headlined "How the GOP wins in the Northeast." I always thought Maryland was the South, not the Northeast, but I guess it all depends on where you're sitting. The whole thing is worth a read if you are interested in politics, but my favorite sentence was this one:
Northwestern law professor and Federalist Society member John McGinnis says Pataki's "most impressive act" was one that was hardly noticed at the time and yielded no electoral benefits, namely his appointment to the state's highest court of Robert Smith, who "became one of the great state court jurists of his time."
I'd love a list of Smith's greatest hits to flesh this out. Maybe it could be a follow-up article by Mr. Olson or Professor McGinnis — "Nine cases that show why Robert Smith is one of the great jurists of his time." The article could run in Buzzfeed, an online publication that is edited by the judge's son Ben.