As part of a series of responses to Eric Cohen's essay The Spirit of Jewish Conservatism, Yale professor and author David Gelernter writes in Mosaic:
Why have there been no conservative presidential candidates on the streets of Baltimore today saying, "Look at these people, America, who suffer every day because of the smug, dumb, incompetence of the left!"? Where are the speeches in front of public schools: "Is it right that we should rear our children ignorant?" Point to the sometimes hopeless unemployed in this so-called recovery; go to the VA's, stand in front of the IRS, the State Department and Department of Justice: "Does injustice matter?" To lessen suffering, smash injustice, educate all of our children and preserve and strengthen American greatness: that is modern conservatism, and Jews should be told. The rest is commentary.
A similar point was made in the April 29 posting here The GOP in Baltimore.