The comment of the day is by reader-watchdog-community member-content co-creator-participant Douglas Levene, remarking on the post here headlined Responsible. Kind. Honest. Respectful. Mr. Levene writes:
It's not true that today's public schools, dominated by leftists, don't try to inculcate virtues into their students. The virtues they teach are not bourgeois virtues, however, like kindness, respect, obedience or cheerfulness. Rather the only virtue taught in public schools today seems to be the leftist virtue of equality. That's the reason for all the "diversity" and "social justice" training — that's the leftist version of civics.
I'm not familiar enough with the public schools to know whether Mr. Levene's assessment is accurate. The comments are open for those who wish to agree or disagree while observing the virtue of "respectful."