Stoll lacks Fundamentals; makes Apology for Religious America

Reader comment on: Neoconservatism

Submitted by Michael Caution (United States), Jun 12, 2010 22:04

Stoll's disdain for ideas comes out in his closing paragraph where he likens being American to a simple matter of geographical birth. He sneers at the authors, Thompson and Brook, because they were born in different countries but consciously chose America as their personal home. It is exactly this example by the authors that proves Stoll's rejection of the fundamentality of ideas to be wrong. Citizenship is not an arbitrary matter of where you happen to be born but is more fundamentally driven by the ideas prevalent in that country/culture. America is an Idea and was born of the Enlightenment philosophy. America is the product of reason and the rejection of the initiation of force unlike France or Russia which Stoll cites.

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Title goes here. [43 words]getironicJun 20, 2012 05:14
⇒ Stoll lacks Fundamentals; makes Apology for Religious America [122 words]Michael CautionJun 12, 2010 22:04

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