Legal Liability?

Reader comment on: BP, Obama, and the Economy

Submitted by benjamin (United States), Jun 13, 2010 15:53

It would seem that BP does have legal liability to pay out these claims. The bullying has to do with making sure BP actually does what it must do under the law. As much as libertarians would like to rely on the tort system to sort out all problems and not have regulations, they must then be comfortable with people going to court and making BP pay for the damage it has done. Tourism is down over a third in these areas due to the oil spill. Had the oil spill not happened, fishermen would be making money that they aren't. BP is capable of paying, it has the moral and legal obligation to do so.

The solution to all this mess? Stop drilling, let gas prices rise and let the forces of the free market innovate and create more economical and cleaner ways of producing energy. We must price cost of pollution and spills into carbon based fuels.

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