Tea Partiers vs. Educated Elites

Reader comment on: Obama and the Elites

Submitted by J.Johnson (United States), Jun 14, 2010 15:02

No doubt some tea partiers resent ivy league elites, but such resentment is nothing new and certainly not unique to tea partiers. It seems to me that the fundamental issue among tea partiers was, is, and will continue to be out-of-control spending by the federal government and the drafting, passage and implementation of legislation which c l e a r l y runs counter to the wishes of a majority of the citizenry. Sometimes, of course, these are combined, such as in the ObamaCare fiasco. Many tea partiers feel, with justification, that they have few real alternatives within the current crop of politicians, given the profligate spending under Bush and the Republicans, followed by the even larger torrent of spending under Obama and the Democrats. Couple this with high unemployment and near-zero interest rates paid on money in savings accounts and the result will probably be a revolt at the polls in November that won't be keyed to who is, or is not , an elite.

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