How can you read Obama's mind?

Reader comment on: Obama's Petraeus Move

Submitted by benjamin (United States), Jun 23, 2010 20:09

You write that Obama thinks that losing in Afghanistan is more likely than winning, but how does anyone know what is inside his head? It is breathtakingly cynical to think that an American President would commit young lives to a battle he thinks cannot succeed. Even though I doubted the Iraq strategy that Bush employed in 2006-7, I never doubted that he thought it would be a success. We cheapen the debate when we make assumptions about people's motives, rather than comparing policies and ideas. Even people I think are off their rocker - Beck, DeMint etc - I do believe they want what is best for the country even though I vehemently disagree with their ideas.

Having said this, I do think it was a brilliant political move, even if the politics were not the driving force. Look at the reaction from Congress. Petraeus is probably the one person who could be chosen who makes it impossible for any Republican to say Obama is jeopardizing the mission. Obama gets his cake (firing an insubordinate general and looking strong) and can eat it too (avoid criticism).

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

That's a fair criticism and a good point. Almost always a bad idea to impute motives.

I do think he thought he could succeed when he announced the surge, but has more doubts now.

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