Given that a significant part of prisons are full of people convicted of drug possession yes.

Reader comment on: Toke and Tax

Submitted by Lyle (United States), Aug 3, 2010 15:55

A significant fraction of prisons hold folks on drug possession or non violent drug dealing. Drug crimes are clogging the courts just like liquor crimes did in the early 30s. Since we can't stop people from want to hide from reality except in our puritan dreams, let's legalize, tax and regulate drugs. Current law takes care of driving while under the influence, and allowing drug tests for safety sensitive positions would be allowed. So we save on law enforcement and prisons, and get money from the taxes. We probably should earmark some of the revenue for rehab, just like raising alcohol taxes and funding rehab based on them. (Note that 1/3 of federal revenue in the 1900 decade was from alcohol)

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