
Reader comment on: The Real Culture War

Submitted by Benjamin Geballe (United States), Oct 13, 2009 21:52

Wow. What exactly constitutes a "deadbeat?" Is a factory worker who gets laid off when his job gets shifted overseas a deadbeat? How about a person who puts himself through school only to find a job market with hundreds of qualified applicants for one available position? Or, how about the children of the fabulously wealthy who do not work a day in their lives? I would be a little more willing to take such an offensive comment seriously if: our schools provided equal opportunity, if people could not pass any wealth on to their children, and if there were not still structural racism built into our society. Then, fine, call someone a deadbeat. But until then, perhaps Arthur Brooks should take stock of how he got to where he is - not everyone is so lucky to be raised in a posh Seattle neighborhood by two professors! This guy has real chutzpah to be calling anyone else a deadbeat. What a joke.

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