Now that's inflation

Reader comment on: Taj Mahal Schools

Submitted by Fred Van Bennekom (United States), Aug 23, 2010 20:45

When I was going through my dad's papers after he passed, I came across a brochure regarding the building plans for the first high school ever built in Lynnfield, Mass., a then burgeoning bedroom suburb north of Boston. My dad was head of the building committee. The year: 1956. The cost: $1 million (sic).

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

But was it a union job and ADA-compliant?

Gold in 1956 was about $35 an ounce and now is about $1220, so if it is just the effect of inflation a new school should cost about $35 million.

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⇒ Now that's inflation
[w/response] [54 words]
Fred Van BennekomAug 23, 2010 20:45
Better than cost overruns on the Osprey! [26 words]benAug 23, 2010 10:20

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