Of course the tax can't erase advantagesReader comment on: Rubin and Robertson on Estate Tax Submitted by ben (United States), Sep 1, 2010 21:57 but that's not the point. The tax limits the built in advantages that some have over others. The more we can do that, the better. A person should succeed or fail based on his/her own effort, not how rich his parents were, what race he is, or what school district he is born into. The problem is that our society has built in advantages for those with lighter skin, in wealthier school districts, and with more inherited money etc. The extent to which we can level the many ways our nation perpetuates a system that advantages some at the expense of others, we should. The estate tax is one way to do this. Fairness and equality are not the same thing. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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