so true

Reader comment on: Amazon Eminent Domain

Submitted by John Gillis (United States), Dec 12, 2018 17:52

When I read the story that New York State was ready to use their bludgeon eminent domain power to help Amazon, it made me emotionally sick. Partly because that power should be written out of the NY State Constitution. But, partly because Amazon has become an enormous success story because they do seriously good capitalistic work and should have nothing to do with such morally dirty practices.
The editor is right that perhaps Bezos isn't planning to take the Albany thugs up on their offer, but the fact that it's part of the "plan" is terrible. It is too bad that Bezos is not an intellectual (laissez-faire) capitalist, but merely a brilliant practical capitalist.

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Just Like The New York Times [26 words]Sancho PanzaDec 14, 2018 23:09
⇒ so true [114 words]John GillisDec 12, 2018 17:52

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