
Reader comment on: The Patriots Super Bowl Victory and Anti-Billionaire Politics

Submitted by Frank Barron (United States), Feb 6, 2019 17:39

I was born in Boston. I also spent some childhood years in Cleveland. Like many who grew up in those two cities, I hated the Yankees. Still do. But not just because they won. Because of the way they won. Steinbrenner simply bought championships. He did precisely what Ira makes clear that the Patriots, under the NFL rules that make things as difficult as possible and level the playing field, cannot do. You cannot buy championships in the NFL. There is no comparison between the winning Yankees and the winning Patriots. But it is true that people have a tendency to resent consistent winners, no matter how the winning is achieved.

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Unless it's their team or the NBA... [139 words]JoeFeb 9, 2019 23:16
⇒ Yankees. [111 words]Frank BarronFeb 6, 2019 17:39

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