Spot on

Reader comment on: Trump, Deregulation, and the Boeing Crashes

Submitted by John Gillis (United States), Mar 19, 2019 18:00

Very good analysis of the blame capitalism first ethos of many of the press members.
Additionally, the attack by various people of the so-called self-certification process, is dangerous. Private industry engineers (whether in aircraft, computer chips, building design, or myriad other fields) always know more about the systems they design than any bureaucrats (even if engineers) working at agencies that have regulatory control over those fields. If such systems weren't primarily vetted and verified by private engineers, the world would have a lot less technical innovation as regulators would throw metaphorical sand into the vetting systems that insure safety.

And as you say in the article, there is every focus at such private firms to make sure their products are safe -- the alternative is pretty grim for the bottom line and ability to sleep at night.

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