Warren Buffett

Reader comment on: The Buffett That Didn't Bark

Submitted by Jacqueline Whittig (United States), Oct 25, 2010 03:27

I have always admired Mr. Buffett, but I believe he is going a little too far. What about the people here that needs money? He invests, he gets it back. Not fair. I would like to own a privately owned car. With no money owed. I am 58, and our money went on our familys. They were poor, but not dumb. I remember the man who won the lottery and promised so much to the New York Yankees for so many years. His quote was, "When I climb the stairs to Heaven, I want God to know where every last quarter went. I am sure that was a little exasterated, but it was thoughful and kind. Is these rich men trying to take over the country? Why us poor or middle class think we did something wrong in not making money. No, I didn't drink, nor smoke, or did drugs. You want to know what I did? I took care of my family, buring them, helping them, giving them my last dollar if it was necessary. Never been on a vacation, but that is all right. I have the travel channel. You guys keep taking tax peoples money, get your private planes, and I will see if I can buy supper on the table. My husband had to work two jobs for 25 years. We never blowed it. You could see our home. He, my husband is the most responsible, honest, man that I know. Did he complain having to give my parents money? NO. Buring them? No. That is the true meaning of life. It is now what you have or what you are going to get, or see if you can be number one on Fortune. God, Mr. Buffett, I have always looked up at you, but things are changing and you could care less. I am a pea in a pod. I hope you have your things together when the Man comes around and judges you. Maybe I was wrong about you. You have to have money to make money, but don't take the tax peoples! Thank you and Sincerely.

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