MSM Jihad to defeat & destroy Trump

Reader comment on: Holman Jenkins on the Press and Trump

Submitted by Lawrence (United States), Jul 24, 2019 21:26

How laughable that Reason takes the Unreasonable slant that extreme bias against Trump and his administration is merely alleged. The collusion of the Democrat Media Government Complex has been proven daily for years. Just read or watch a few minutes of any MSM outlet and it's just DNC talking points on steroids.

And that pitiful attempt to counter such extreme bias by alleging that Trump has been good for MSM profits is not an argument that makes sense or convinces. The MSM can be said to cynically bash Trump in order to pump views and profits. "They do it for the money" - as theLeft likes to say about their "political enemies ". And it's equally driven by their far left ideology. But since when did the so-called "news" journalists peddling fake news ever worry about parent company profits? No, they're proud to be the company loss leaders as if that were a claim to purity and unimpeachable ethics

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