what would a President Nadler have been able to accomplish?

Reader comment on: Nadler's View

Submitted by carrie sheridan (United States), Nov 4, 2010 22:44

what crowds would he ever have drawn from 2004 - 2010?

what would he say to students across the country on the first day of school from Wakefield HS in Arlington, VA and how good would mr. nadler's question and answer session be with these kids -

i am SICK OF lesser people putting down people who have it All Over Them and aren't 5% of who the person they criticize are -

representative nadler, just worry about your OWN longstanding "malpractice" and all that you have seen and let go down on YOUR watch - if you all would just worry about your own accountability and responsibility and stop voting yourself salary increases and generous pensions, etc -

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⇒ what would a President Nadler have been able to accomplish? [119 words]carrie sheridanNov 4, 2010 22:44
Hmmm [12 words]KathyNov 4, 2010 19:29

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