Crony capitalism?

Reader comment on: Obama in India

Submitted by Alice Bloggs (United States), Nov 8, 2010 11:06

According to Reuters, there are 200 companies represented in his entourage. I'd like to know which companies are represented. It would be interesting to know how much money they donated to Democratic and Republican candidates this past election cycle. And I'm also curious to what degree these companies have already outsourced jobs to India (if any).

In general Obama seems to be pretty hostile toward corporate America -- except for the "green jobs" people. I've already heard that Obama has addressed India's "carbon footprint" during this trip. I'd be shocked if his corporate entourage doesn't have a green tinge.

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

Other published reports say GE (Immelt), Pepsi (Nooyi), and Boeing were all there.

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