Much too late, and under terrible circumstances

Reader comment on: A Pardon for Michael Milken

Submitted by John Gillis (United States), Feb 19, 2020 17:54

Perhaps Michael Milken will be glad to get a pardon, though if I were him, I would feel zero gratitude, having it come from a master swamp creature: trump. Milken was terribly persecuted by the evil Giuliani as prosecutor, and nothing will ever fix that.
And to be pardoned along with a bunch of real crooks, such as corrupt Blagojevich and sleazy Kerik adds insult to Milken's situation.
Some commentators are already lumping Milken in with the various low-lifes, even though Milken should have been feted by Americans for his financial skills, not pilloried under RICO by Giuliani.

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