A generational gap in learning

Reader comment on: Three on Race and Racism

Submitted by Rich Hand (United States), Jun 8, 2020 07:35

I learned about race relations growing up in the Bronx throughout the 70's. First hand observations were a blessing I received attending public HS in the Bronx, JFK. What I learned first hand is that everyone had the same chance to succeed, and it was the choices people made that made the difference in a successful life. No matter what color we were, the behaviors we chose to partake in determined outcomes. The generation claiming racism is rampant grew up in Lilly White neighborhoods never worrying about where a meal would come from. Attended HS with a handful of minority students. They have learned about race from race baiters with no real life experience, and now tell the people that don't have a racist bone in their body they are racist. There will always be a handful of evil people, and people ignorant of the real value of all humans, but to call America a racist nation is to show your ignorance of America. The safest, greatest nation in the world to live if you want to succeed. No matter what your race. You simply have to choose your path.

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