Warren Buffett

Reader comment on: Warren Buffett's Bad Week

Submitted by Jacqueline Whittig (United States), Nov 14, 2010 18:36

I have nothing but great respect for Warren Buffett. Maybe he is up to a plan of his own? I can't think of why anyone with such knowledge go do something that he says he is going to do, then lays back, unless he has a reason. One of these days I hope to meet this wonderful man. I think he is talented, has so much knowledge, and doesn't need judged. Isn't competition all it is about? So, he makes a bad judgment, who hasn't? I am sure with the wits and money he has, he can get back on the ball and roll with the flow, his flow. I wish him all the luck in the world. It doesn't bother me a bit, that he has billions, and I have dollars. He has earned what he has. He knew what to do with what he had. I am happy for him and his family. I wish him all the luck! Sincerely!

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